Mission 2026
Mission 2026
Gain a deeper understanding of where we've been over the past three years and where we're headed in the next three!
October 2023
We consider it our most important work at Northminster to keep Christ our center[1]. Politics, resources, economics, traditions, associations, and interests all vie to be at the center. Keeping Christ at the center allows diversity in all of matters as we find strong unity in Christ. This commitment shapes our practices, mission, values, way, and identity. As such, no value is more important to Northminster than Christ at the Center.
[1] Colossians 1:18, 2:9-10, Ephesians 1:22-23
When called by Christ, we are called into the community[1]. It turns out we were created with a need for each other.[2] It is hard for us to imagine growing in our faith[3] or accomplishing the mission of Christ without the support of others. We are made for relationship. We are all about Groups (growth) and Teams (ministry) at Northminster.
[1] John 15:1-17, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31, 1 Peter 2:1-12
[2] Genesis 2:18
[3] Proverbs 27:17, Ephesians 4:11-16
Jesus made waves; at the very least we want to make ripples in our community for Christ. Ripples of life, hope, justice, and compassion[1]. We believe every follower of Christ is called to speak and act for Christ in the world[2]. We are all part of the mission of God. Our ministry teams are one expression of this value.
[1] Matthew 28:18-20
[2] Matthew 5:13-16
Who We Are
Our Beliefs
Our Mission
A church full of people, DOING LIFE TOGETHER,
sharing their gifts
in our community and around the world.
The Next Three Years
Our Vision
Our Vision
An outpost for Christ, building a legacy of faith in our community for future generations.
Where We're Going
Our Values
Our Values
Radical Welcome
Uncommon Generosity
Deep + Simple
Graciously Purple
Always Adapting
How We Act
Our Beliefs
Our Beliefs
The source of our belief is not found in us, but in God’s grace. Our knowledge of God rests on God’s goodness, not our intelligence, spirituality, or morality. However, as Paul said, in this world “we see through the glass darkly.”[1] At Northminster, we seek to speak in the language of belief, not certainty.
[1] 1 Corinthians 13:12
We understand scripture as the inspired word of God. Written by ordinary believers and inspired by God. In that sense, it is our rule and guide for life.
We believe that God is living, active, and sovereign in our secular world. This secular world is in part why we speak of our church as an outpost. We are different. This seems an obvious thing for a church to say, but in the world as we know it, it is quite difficult to maintain a meaningful belief that God moves and acts in the day-to-day of our experience. I read just the other day that “prayers don’t stop bullets.” The intent of the comment was to encourage something more helpful than prayer - which qualifies as good advice only if we believe God is not active or sovereign in this world.
God came to us (not we, to him), became one of us (He became human, not we godly), and as one of us made things right between us and God. Through his life and death, he paid the debt for our sins, making peace with God possible again[1]. Without Jesus we are completely and shockingly without hope. This is why we work to keep Christ at the center. What else would we do?
[1] Colossians 2:13-14
The scriptures describe the Holy Spirit in many ways, but since the most ancient times Christians identified the Spirit as the Lord, the Giver of Life. Paul writes over and over that the new life we have in Christ is a gracious work of the Spirit. To enter our days alone, without the Spirit, without our brothers and sisters is a truly grave error of pride.
Though we live in a radically individualistic culture. We believe when called by God we are called into a community of believers. It is virtually impossible to grow in our faith or accomplish God’s mission without each other.
All of us are sent. All of us have circles of influence. Now we are to use that influence not simply for our interests, or the interests of those we love, now we also are called to consider how our influence can be used for Christ.
What We Believe
Past Mission + Vision Videos
State of the Church
December 2022
Next Vision Night
October 2022
We celebrated what's been happening over the past year at Northminster and shared what's NEXT.
Big Step Presentation
October 2021
Every New Adventure Begins with a First Step, and Ours is Going to be a Big Step!